
Tomás Marco

The Knight of the Sad Countenance

26 Jan, 16 - 30 Jan, 16

Musical conductor: Manuel Coves

Stage Director: Guillermo Heras

Composed in 2003 by order of the State Society for Cultural Commemorations and first performed in late 2005, The Knight of the Sad Countenance, with libretto and music by Tomás Marco, faces the challenge of turning the epic novel by Cervantes into seven theatrical acts. A prologue and an epilogue have been added with poems from the same book that serve a poetic rather than a narrative function, even though the epilogue is for the hero's death. Whether in prose or verse, only Cervantes' words are used. Theatrically, it has fast-paced action that underlines the sad nature of the titular knight. The musical score takes into account the nature of the text and tries to ensure it is understood, while the singing, featuring baroque and modern elements, has been adapted to the quirks of the characters and their situation. The work includes texts that were chosen for their current relevance, and they feature chivalrous, humorous and mysterious passages as well as the deep and pessimistic belief that human efforts always end the same way, and ultimately everything and everyone comes to an end. But that does not make it a tragic work, and it maintains Cervantes' balance between humour and fate. Perhaps the core of the work is the longest scene, in the middle
("The Cave of Montesinos"), which is one of the most mysterious, complex, subtle and versatile passages in the novel. Guillermo Heras has staged a practical and colourful set, in-keeping with the spirit of the novel, but also of this particular opera. The staging helps to underline the literary and musical value of the work, with dancers who help complete the scenes. Tomás Marco
Subtitles in

Spanish, English

"The Knight of the Sad Countenance"

Commemorating the 4th centenary of Miguel de Cervantes's death

Chamber opera
Music and libretto by Tomás Marco (1942), based on texts by Miguel de Cervantes
First performed at the Teatro Circo, Albacete, on 27 December 2005

Production by the State Society for Cultural Commemorations and the Teatros del Canal


Patron friends

22 December


Subscribers friend

27 December


Tickets on sale

01 January



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26 January 2016


María José Suárez, Alfredo García, Eduardo Santamaría, María Rey-Joly, María Rey-Joly
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28 January 2016


María José Suárez, Alfredo García, Eduardo Santamaría, María Rey-Joly, María Rey-Joly
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30 January 2016


María José Suárez, Alfredo García, Eduardo Santamaría, María Rey-Joly, María Rey-Joly
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